Six ways Pets Improve your Health.


Our pets are special to us. When we have a bad day or just want a companion, our pets tend to be there and comfort us when we least expect it.  Rescuing a pet from a shelter is proven not to save an animal’s life, but it can save your life.  I want to show you six new ways pets can improve your health and make you happy.

Stress Management

Our nerves can fray from a long day at work.  Your dog or cat can be your sanctuary from these stresses on our spirit.  You pet constantly will entertain, give affection, and have unconditional love for you, which helps improve our moods.  A study from the State University of New York Buffalo shows that most people felt more comfortable going into a stressful environment than with a spouse, family, or close friends.

Soldiers coming back from war time conflict and are suffering from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), find dogs help with significant improvement.  These trained service dogs are provided by K9 for Warriors.

Lower Blood Preasure

The studies vary, but what has proven is those that have pets and currently have high blood pressure tends to keep their levels in check.  According to the Center for Disease and Prevention (CDC), exercise helps control blood pressure. Your dog can help with that.

A study from the University of Minnesota shows that 4435 Americans between 30 and 75 without a cat, increase their rate of heart attack and heart disease. The study showed a 40% higher rate of heart attack and 30% increase of heart disease, than with cat owners.

Lower Cholesterol and Triglycerides

Another heart helping benefit for pet owners especially for males is that they have lower levels of arterial clotting.  People with pets can manage their cholesterol and triglycerides better than those who do not have pets.

According to the American Heart Association dogs help people to adopt a healthier lifestyle.  From one study of 5200 adults, dog owners tend to engage in more walks and physical activities more than non-pet owners. Pet owners are 54% more likely to get the recommended physical activity.

Reduce Pain

Sometimes your pet can be a pain by chewing on your shoes or peeing on the floor. If you have chronic pain like arthritis, migraines, or other conditions, a pet can encourage healing. A study from Loyola University showed that people who had joint replacement surgery and had a pet therapy visit, would require fewer pain medications than those that never had pet visits.

Help with Depression

Instead of treating depression with medications, pets are another way to treat depression.  Pets provide unconditional love and are non-judgmental.  Pets keep their owners working to take care and have responsibilities for their pets. There are studies that show people with pets have more release of anti-depression hormones release into their bodies. Every contact you have with your dog or cat can increase dopamine and serotonin levels. If you do not have depression you should thank your pet for that.

Fewer Allergies

Having a dog or cat in the house with young children have shown a reduce up to 50% few allergies with children raised with dogs versus those children not raised with pets.

The explanation discovered just months ago: Apparently, there’s something in the dust of dog-filled homes that seems to promote a protective response against microbes that have linked to allergies and asthma.

The six reasons how pets can improve your health should show you that in turn, we need to care for our cats and dogs too.  Knowing to help them in their needs will make a great and bonding relationship between owner and pet.  We need our pets as much as our pets need us.